Leading with Love

  • Shweta Kumar
  • Nov 26, 2024
  • 2 min read

Almost all our actions stem from either Love or Fear. The opposite of love is not hate; it is fear.

And where our actions originate from, matters significantly in leadership.

While fear is all about self-recrimination, pride, and worry, love is about hope, courage, and confidence. Fear is a crippling emotion and makes us act in small, contracted ways. It makes us believe that we are out of options. We withdraw from life when we are terrified.

But, it is an involved, courageous and engaged team that makes your work effective, not a withdrawn one.

To fully acquire the loyalty and trust of people, you must first be able to access love. This is possible only when you embrace life around.

‘Love' is more than a feeling.

It is an action and a choice we make to be in service to the growth of the other (employee or customer).

                How can you show love?
                The highest form of love is paying attention.
                Be alive to what the other needs.
                Be fully present to them.
                Truly see them.

Of course, our inner screen of thoughts, insecurities present as distractions and take away our capacity to be fully present to the other. But like a patient and attentive artist, we can refocus our attention to what is being said, and what is not being said but being sought.

Are you open to awaken the attentive artist within you?

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