
I am Shweta.

I coach leaders like you to
experience infinite alignment
within yourself, with your team,
and everyone around you.


I am Shweta.

I coach leaders like you to
experience infinite alignment
within yourself, with your team,
and everyone around you.
 The People Whisperer  Leadership Coach  Founder of InvincibleYOU


Values Work

Ability Ambition

Beliefs Potential

Potential Invincibility

Ever feel like you’re
on a great mission....

but something’s holding you back?

It’s like you feel the pain,
but don’t know how to resolve it.

Perhaps you've had those moments where
you thought, "This isn’t what I signed up for!”

Stress, conflicts, and self-limiting beliefs can
make your leadership journey seem daunting
& lonely, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Let’s resolve this ▶▶

Get individualized support tailored to your unique needs
Inspiring action through small yet impactful steps
Realizing your true, hidden and innate infinite potential
Challenging limiting beliefs
Meeting your invincible self
Stepping into a safe space
for deep reflections
Inspiring action through
small yet impactful steps
Uncovering what’s
holding you back -
known &unknown
Realizing your true,
hidden and innate
infinite potential
limiting beliefs
Meeting your
invincible self

This is what coaching
with me means

When your infinite potential meets
invincibility, you become unstoppable.

  • "Shweta Kumar is an excellent coach. Her sessions were eye-openers. She made us believe that 'heroes' are gender neutral and also made us visualise what our own version of a leader would look like."

    Archana Venugopal,
    Project Manager, L&T Construction

  • “Invincible – Woman Program” as the name indicates, is truly designed to achieve the same. Shweta Kumar is highly efficient in understanding and accepting the varying natures of each individual and thus her messages are conceived by every participant in-line with their requirement and their vision."

    Dayana Rexaline M.R,
    Proposal Head, III SBG, L&T Construction

  • AV

    “We engaged with Invincible-Woman for designing and delivering Winspire Propel – our program for mid-level women leaders. Shweta took efforts to understand the ecosystem and carefully designed the program uniquely rooted in Neuroscience and reflective work. The participants were able to connect the concepts and learnings to their work and demonstrate the transformation in their mindsets. The program helps each individual to recognize and manage their unique challenges on the path to reaching their true leadership potential. The highlight really is the beautiful experience and the feedback of the participants. I would recommend Invincible-Woman's programs to anyone who truly wishes to see their women leaders break barriers and soar.”

    Avani Vansia,
    Senior Dy General Manager - DEI and Change, L&T

  • BK

    “Shweta helped us to understand concepts as well as see the impact of working through biases, in the way we respond and react. She helped us to develop toolkits to make smarter choices, respond and not react to bias and essentially have a definite strategy to reach the leadership roles we aspired to.”

    Bhargavi Krishnamurthy,
    Finance Director, BD India

  • RS

    “Shweta helped our women leaders to understand the neuroscience of stereotype-threat, the origins of patriarchy and the impact of sometimes being the only woman in the room. She provided tips on how to use networking and increase self-advocacy. The program helped to increase the number of women in our leadership pipeline and towards the long-term strategy of creating a more gender-balanced workforce.”

    Rajiv Sharma,
    CHRO - Aristocrat India

  • RP

    "Shweta is an awesome trainer. Compared to all other programs 'Invincible -Women program' stands out as its a combination of technical, physiological, and developmental outlooks. Suitable and logical explanation for each and every activity has been provided which is one of best attribute i felt."

    Remya P,
    Senior Manager- Contracts, L&T

  • NC

    "Initially i thought the sessions would come and go like others but Shweta through her sessions brought back emotions which were hidden deep inside from a very long time. I can clearly see her holding my hand and taking me along with her on the path of success."

    Nandita Chuckerbutty,
    Sr. Manager- Quality, L&T

  • SR

    "Impactful sessions with sharing of practical problems and growth path. The coaching sessions helped to tune ourselves to the right path and ways to grow as leaders."

    Sujatha Renganathan,
    Senior Manager -Quality, ITC

  • "Shweta is exceptionally well read and knows in depth about the subject – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – which are often misunderstood terms. She brought out the “fault lines” hiding deep within instead of skimming on just the surface. This is the only tailored women’s leadership program where I genuinely felt it did complete justice to the objectives set forth."

    Bhavani Mohan,
    Senior Principal Architect, L&T Contruction

  • SD

    "I extend my heartfelt thanks to Walmart for organizing such insightful sessions. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in these trainings. Coach Shweta is truly an expert and a wonderful person. She has empowered me to become more confident and aware of the events unfolding around us, guiding me to respond to them professionally. I am sincerely grateful to her for not only fostering change in my professional life but also my personal life."

    Sreyashi Deychaki,
    Product Manager, Walmart

How about experiencing this for yourself?

Leadership coaching is not just an investment you are making for yourself.
When a leader is inspired, we unearth the infinite potential of not just one person, but the entire team, entire organization. I believe, my life's mission is to inspire this ripple effect of change, and it starts with you.



For founders and leaders. Realize infinite potential.
Overcome self-limiting beliefs and leadership loneliness.



For your leadership team. One day workshop with Shweta.
Spark cultural alignment with daily reflection practice.


Keynote &

Book Shweta’s time for speaking at your event. Inspire a mindset of compassion and invincibility.
Welcome a new order of leadership.

Take the first small step right away.
Schedule a chat with me ▶▶

15 minutes. It's on me.

How about experiencing this for yourself? Take the first small step right away.

Let's Connect

Schedule a 15 minutes call. It's on me.



For founders and leaders. Realize infinite potential. Overcome self-limiting beliefs and leadership loneliness.



For your leadership team. One day workshop with Shweta. Spark cultural alignment with daily reflection practice.


Keynote &

Book Shweta’s time for speaking at your event. Inspire a mindset of compassion and invincibility. Welcome a new order of leadership.

Check availability

Let’s unearth your path to infinity.

Within every seed lies the silent power to become an invincible forest. Similarly, within you, lies such infinite potential. Let’s discover it and let it blossom, one reflection at a time.

Wishing you invincibility,

Shweta Kumar

Schedule a 15 minute call with me

Media Assets

Shweta's image

Invincible YOU logo identity

Professional Biography

Shweta is passionate about the process of transformation at an individual, team and organizational level.

She founded InvincibleYOU, an organization to inspire individuals & leadership teams to develop an invincible mindset, and take the lead in steering towards their infinite potential. They do it by stimulating transformations within safe spaces that encourage deep reflections, to overcome self-limiting beliefs.

With over 25 years of expertise in leadership development, culture change, and organizational transformation, Shweta chooses to be unstoppable. In recent years, she has honed her focus on psychodrama, to catalyze even deeper transformations.

Additionally, Shweta is on a profound mission to uplift one billion women, to help them move their identity to a different trajectory. Her notable contributions to the field include authored research papers such as "Iridescent," a global perspective on women's leadership published by OD Alternatives, and "Psychological Violence at the Workplace - Impact on Early Career Women," published by INSEAD.


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